Your regular expression: Your test string:
Error in your regular expression!
Please check your regulular expression syntax. Common error are to not include / as regular expression boundary. Also make shure you are using escape string for escapeing special characters.

Specific error message is:
This is little utility to test your regular expressions for PHP.
Tool using


php function to evaluate regulater expressions.
Usage is simple. Just type your regular expression, type text you want to test i click Test! button. On this (left) pane you will get result. In case of error you will get detailed error message. On correct regulaer expression you will get all matches from your test text.
If you click on help button, little regex reference will be displayed.
In case you want to rollback to your last working regular expression just click Revert! button.

please wait
Your regex is correct!
Number of matches: 0
    Characters and classes
    . Any single character
    [] Character class (see below)
    \t Horizontal tab
    \n Newline
    \r Carriage return
    \f Form feed
    \v Vertical tab
    \w Word character: [a-zA-Z0-9_]
    \W Non-word character: [^a-zA-Z0-9_]
    \s Whitespace character: [ \t\n\r\f\v]
    \S Non-whitespace character: [^ \t\n\r\f\v]
    \d Decimal digit: [0-9]
    \D Non-digit: [^0-9]
    ? Zero or one occurrence
    * Zero or more occurrences
    + One or more occurrences
    {min,max} At least min and at most max occurrences
    {n} Exactly n occurrences
    {min,} At least min occurrences
    x|y Alternation: either x or y
    (...) Grouping and subexpression capturing
    ^ The beginning of a line
    $ The end of a line
    \< The beginning of a word
    \> The end of a word